Posts in Health and Wellness
The Seat of the Soul: 25th Anniversary Edition

“What is truth? Truth is that which does not contaminate you, but empowers you.”

“Clarity allows you to see the world of physical matter for what it is, a learning environment that is created jointly by the intentions of the souls that share it.”

“Your life is yours to live, no matter how you choose to live it. When you do not think about how you intend to live it, it lives you. When you occupy it, step into it consciously, you live it.”

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I still remember the first time conductor Larry Rachleff spoke to me about his diet and how he approached eating leading up to and including concert day - this was 1995. I was at the height of my eating prowess, downing burgers, pizza, and wings with the deftness of a giant, and here was a mentor discussing how careful he was in planning his eating. My curiosity piqued, I’ve been hunting information and exploring this ever since.

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Goop: On Divorce and Self-Forgiveness (Elena Brower)

This podcast uses divorce as the starting point to dig into a treasure trove about how we approach all of the relationships in our lives - loved ones, family, colleagues, friends, and ourself. I find it transformative in how it has helped shift my own mindset as well as the people I’ve already shared this with. With self-forgiveness as the core they include many concepts in the discussion that explore how each of us can continue to engage in the foundational tenants of patience, clarity, respect, peace and forgiveness as we move through our daily adventures.

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Meditation is an absolute MUST for any toolkit. and Headspace is the go-to app that I use with everyone as a starting place. Free for the first 10 days/session (more on fees later – fair warning: you’re going to wish you qualify  for the STUDENT plan) - Headspace is a game changer in helping people find their space and place with meditation. 

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Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations: Brené Brown

TWO GIANTS who have impacted my life in ways that I don’t have words to truly express. This is the second part of a two part series that Brené and Oprah did for Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations and it is one I keep coming back to for myself and for people that I work for and with. Brené is always at the top of her game when she is with Oprah and this is one of my all-time favorites.

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Time Management - Brian Tracy

This book is the perfect starter to up your game with your time management and put yourself in charge of making choices on how you use your time. The more choices you make the more you will accomplish that fulfills your greatest goals and inspirations. This is a quick read (and cheap!) that introduces key fundamental concepts that you can start trying immediately. IMMEDIATELY. I love that he outlines several accessible and doable techniques in short form that gives the reader the chance to take it or leave it, try it or move on. I have found that each of us combines elements from numerous different modes of time management that fit our unique lifestyles and combination of priorities in our life. This book gives perfect clear coverage so that you can start somewhere simple and build from there.

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doTERRA Deep Blue

My sister introduced this essential oil to my body and since then practitioners from all modalities have used it and recommended it to me. Essential oils are only as good as their quality and doTERRA products use strict certified pure therapeutic grade (CPTG) which  is an industry standard that others try to live up to.

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Taos Mountain Energy Bar

I’ve tried almost all of the current energy bars out there and this one keeps me coming back for more.  Simple ingredients (organic, gluten-free, non-GMO) are navigable for more food preferences and for me it is one of the few that avoids cashews and cinnamon – both of which have recently been removed from my eating. 

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LivON Lypo-Spheric Glutathione

Glutathione is one of the “master’ antioxidant, which makes me think of it as a secret ninja fighting on my behalf.  My sister, who was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis at a very young age, never misses a day of this because of it’s powerful anti-inflammation impact as well as the antioxidant double whammy. 

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Epsom Salt Baths

I remember the day my acupuncturist, Margaret, told me she takes Epsom salt baths 2-3 times every week.  Mind-BLOWN. My first thought – with my most sarcastic inner voice - was “how decadent, isn’t that wonderful that Margaret has such a simple life she can enjoy all of these baths?!? 

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