Pure Magnesium Glycinate

Oh, I love me my magnesium and this stuff is da bomb!  All sorts of fancy words in these product descriptions, here’s my basic reason: Magnesium improves the quality of my sleep and the recovery of my muscles.  Sure it helps metabolism, energy production, nutrient absorption, enzymatic and physiologic function support, but hey, I’m in it for the sleep and muscles.  Pure encapsulations are one of the cleanest companies around and are free from wheat, gluten, egg, peanuts, sweeteners, colors, soy, dairy, shellfish...GMO free and made in the USA! I take two of these at night on and off throughout the year.  I’ll do 2-3 weeks on alternated with 4-6 weeks off and I observe how my body is feeling throughout but focusing on my fingers, wrists, arms, and shoulders and will adapt the length of my dosage accordingly.  And don’t forget your Epsom salt baths!  Your absorption rate depends on the health of your gut, so keeping a routine of Epsom salt baths gives the largest organ in your body – your skin – the chance to absorb magnesium with different impact.  See my entry on Epsom Salt Baths for more info and try these out!