Epsom Salt Baths

I remember the day my acupuncturist, Margaret, told me she takes Epsom salt baths 2-3 times every week. Mind-BLOWN. My first thought – with my most sarcastic inner voice - was “how decadent, isn’t that wonderful that Margaret has such a simple life she can enjoy all of these baths?!? (*$%& Her!” And then an hour later I started to wonder why I wasn’t doing that. And five hours later I was taking an Epsom salt bath and have continued to set my goal for two a week. Great for muscle recovery, overall body health, and deep sleep - there is truly nothing like it and I hope right now your own inner voice is asking why you’re not doing it too! For the most beneficial impact only stay in the bath seven minutes and get the bath water as hot as you can stand it.

Here’s what I do:

Prep everything I need to do to go to bed (see the end of this as to why)

I start the water and get it the temperature I believe I can stand

Dump two cups of Epsom salts (or up to four if I’m feeling frisky)

4 drops of Doterra Breathe essential oil (see why here: LINK TO doTERRA BREATHE)

I jump in even though there is no water in the tub. This way, I can often push the temperature up. I set a timer on my iPhone for eleven minutes (it takes ~ four minutes to fill my tub).

I then lie down and enjoy the ride trying to make sure as much of my body is submersed or rotated into being submersed in the water.

The second my timer goes off I open the drain and dry myself off instead of showering (leaving the Epsom residue on my skin)

I immediately get under the covers and keep myself warm, even if I’m sweating. The sweat is good sweat and otherwise the Chinese medicine “wind’ can enter your body given the state you are in.

I’ll journal, read, but let’s face it – I’m only going to last ten-twelve minutes before I’m fast asleep. I get my Epsom salts at Costco and go with the tried and true Dr. Teal’s