LivON Lypo-Spheric Glutathione

Glutathione is one of the “master’ antioxidant, which makes me think of it as a secret ninja fighting on my behalf. My sister, who was diagnosed with Rhuematoid Arthritis at a very young age, never misses a day of this because of it’s powerful anti-inflammation impact as well as the antioxidant double whammy. As I’ve stated before, I love LivOn for their Vegan, Non GMO, no dairy, hexane or GLUTEN and I haven’t run across a food preference that this isn’t fit for...yet! The liposomal delivery generates a higher performance of absorption from your body and when I first started taking this I committed to one box and observing the impact. I noticed I had greater clarity, lightness, focus and at the same time my fingers and arms felt much more supple, relaxed, quicker, easier, not to mention the same impacts throughout my body. I also track faster recovery after concerts or more strenuous days of playing or activity. It took twelve days before I felt I could confirm these observations and tie them to the glutathione. I finished my first box and forgot to order a second and in the three interim days registered the difference shifting back and now I’m sold. I have so many friends and clients now who never miss a day, including myself. They advise to pour it into a glass of water, I suck it straight out of the packet and make sure it doesn’t touch my tongue before I can swallow a glass of water to wash it down. Check out my entry on LivON Vitamin C – I take them together for double impact. This one is pricier so I advise my friends and clients to go for a box and observe – only one has failed to make it a regular part of their daily routine.