
Breathe. We all need to do it and yet sometimes it’s the last thing we come to in moments where we need it most. A basic, simple, exercise that impacts everyone - from a four-year old to a Navy SEAL.

Box breathing (square breathing) is a simple technique you can do anywhere, anytime, and in the midst of uplifting or challenging situations. I find this most successful if I can create a space for myself to sit, ground my feet and feel supported, however, I also use this exercise in the heat of a confrontational exchange or as I’m trying to navigate the challenges that pop up.

You can mix it up although I encourage you to start by breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try and keep your counting pace the same for each step.

  1. Breathe in while counting to four slowly. Feel the air enter your lungs and your body and chest cavity expand.

  2. Hold your breath inside while counting again to four. Let the air you’ve just taken in expand throughout your body, find every nook and cranny, and open up as much of you as you feel possible.

  3. Slowly exhale while counting to four.

Repeat a minimum of three times, ideally repeat for 5 minutes and feel the ground and centering of your body. Adjust the exercise as you grow, or as as needed to adapt to your needs, body, and spirit.

And in case you want to experience it through the words of a former Navy SEAL, Here’s Mark Divine walking you through it.