
by Giulia Enders

The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ

I still remember the first time conductor Larry Rachleff spoke to me about his diet and how he approached eating leading up to and including concert day - this was 1995. I was at the height of my eating prowess, downing burgers, pizza, and wings with the deftness of a giant, and here was a mentor discussing how careful he was in planning his eating. My curiosity piqued, I’ve been hunting information and exploring this ever since.

Gut is the book I wish I could have started with, a fantastic walk through (no pun intended!) one of the most essential parts of our body. The impact on mindset and performance with understanding and studying of how your unique gut behaves and insight into what it might be trying to tell you. An in-depth read a times, totally worth it and I’ve used this to learn more about how I can optimize what I eat, when, and how with any type of lifestyle I am in. Thank you thank you thank you Giulia - have a listen on audible as well!