Identifying YOUR Values Starter

Knowing your values is essential to navigating and creating a path that is authentic and genuine to you. This level of understanding adds clarity to your decisions and helps you to cultivate what you are inspired and passionate about and link to all that you dream to create. Below is a starter exercise that I share with students and clients to get them started in beginning to identify their values which is always transformational - in three days and under 30 minutes. Enjoy!

GOAL: To end up with the top 5 words that resonate with you the strongest

Day One

A. Print out pdf below

B. Set timer for 5 minutes

C. Go through the list circling any words that resonate with you or that you feel are important.

Day Two

A.  Set timer for 10 minutes

B. Rate each word that you circled between 1-5 (5 is rating of high importance)

If you can get the words you rated a 5 down to 15 or less, that would be great :)

C. Examine the words and see if you can combine or eliminate any that are similar.

Choose the word that resonates strongest for you and eliminate the other.

Reflect, observe, discuss, write about what you are learning about yourself as you move through this phase of the exercise.

Day Three

A.  Set timer for 15 minutes

B.  Create your own document of the words that you’ve rated 5

C. Choose two words and ask yourself to choose one or the other

D. The one you’ve chosen, give a star 

E. Then put that word against a new word and repeat the exercise (example below)

F. Do this with each word. Some words will get more stars and others will not!

G. At the end, put the words in ’star’ order - those with the most stars put first.

Ask yourself what surprises you? What feels right? What feels off?

Reflect, observe, write, and eliminate or combine words into words that have more meaning for you.

H. Share with your family, friends, mentors (or me!) - ask them for feedback on their experience of you.

Example list of words:
Ambition, Authenticity, Health, Family…

Ask yourself: Ambition or Authenticity?  (Authenticity*)

Authenticity or Health? (Authenticity**)

Authenticity or Family? (Family*)