“Pivot and Adapt”
lauren chipman
Lauren is a force of nature. Period.
For my interviews I send out guiding information about my audience, my intent, and questions we might explore. My intent is to give my interviewees a chance to join me in the space that I find most impactful for all of you. Lauren took that, and, like she does with everything she engages, ran with it. To the moon and back. Heck, to infinity and BEYOND!
A full-scale presentation is the start of our time together where Lauren walks through her life, her lessons, and how she frames up the life experience she’s had - from young violist to touring rock violist to session musician for major motion picture musician (Star Wars, anyone?) to Principal and CEO of Chipman Design Architecture - a major architecture firm based in Chicago, Illinois.
Just spending time with Lauren constantly opens the unexpected and inspiration always follows. She blasts open the door to what’s possible when musicians fully engage all of the powers that we learn in our art and craft and show up in the real world!
More about Lauren here